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Everyone wants a chiseled chest & back, a strong core, and toned arms and legs, but many folks just don’t have any idea where to start. You don’t need a gym, fancy equipment or really any equipment at all to get started. All you need is you!
This month, we will focus on The Basics!
This month, we will focus on The Basics!
The idea is to focus on several different exercises, transitioning into some strength training for 14 days. We'll focus on the upper body, core, and lower body. Each day there will only be a few exercises. That's it! Too easy right!
Why should you join the FREE Fitness Challenge?
Simply put, we all have a bookshelf full of excuses for why we’re not focusing on our fitness. The big ones are time and cost. Well, these daily challenges will get you in and out in under 30 minutes. Did I also mention that participation is FREE? You CAN make time for this and who can’t afford FREE?
If you’re already doing workouts these exercises are adjustable to increase the challenge for you.
Why not just stick with what I’m doing?
The magic of this process is that you are expected to check in every day and account for what you’ve done. Studies have shown that being accountable to others will keep you on track and help to keep you from skipping your workouts. Your accomplishments at anything in life are the results of small efforts sustained over time. This group accountability will help you sustain your efforts.
Ready to join this month’s Free Fitness Challenge?
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