Friday, June 21, 2024

We All Fall Sometimes - Part 2!


For those of you who have been following me for a while now, you know that I have had my fair share of setbacks over the years. I’d eat well and exercise for a few weeks, maybe even a couple of months, then I would fall off. Then I would come back, push myself too hard, get injured, and then be on hiatus again for 4-6 weeks. Rinse and repeat.

Several months ago I spoke about how we all fall sometimes and shared some of the roadblocks I encountered and how I pretty much hit rock bottom. Well today I wanted to share some of my story of how I have started to rise back up. 

Truth be told, even I was starting to get fed up with that yo-yo lifestyle and knew I had to be better. Not only for myself, but for that one person that is just looking for an ounce of inspiration to start moving towards their goals. So I took a different approach. I actually followed my own advice I had shared with so many years before. I took it slow and focused on what I could do, not what I thought I was expected to do. 

Six months ago I started walking just to get the blood flowing and the muscles moving. I started using our gym at work and started off easy with weight lifting. I started eating just a little cleaner, not buying as much junk food and so on. As the weeks went by, I would push just a little harder. Started jogging again once a week, only a mile or so. After a month or so I increased to twice a week, and increased the distance. I was making progress and not injuring myself.

Today, I am back to running 3 times a week at 3 miles each, I hit the gym at least 4 days a week, and am on my third lifting program, pushing and pulling more weight than I have in a long time. I was between 210 - 215 lbs back in December. Today, I’m at 194! And, I feel so much better.

Here’s the thing, it’s ok to stumble and fall when you are chasing your goals. But, it’s what you do after that stumble and fall that truly matters. Are you going to stay down, feel defeated and give up, or are you going to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep going? I know it is not easy. I have fallen down more times than I can count. Sometimes it was much harder to pick myself up than other times, and many times I needed a hand up from somebody. But I got back up. And I am so thankful I did each time. I bet you would be too.

This doesn’t just apply to your health and well being. This can relate to your career, your family, whatever is important to you. I have fallen in those areas too, and those are slowly on the rise as well. It just takes a little bit of time, a little bit of focus, and a little bit of action. If you work on just a little bit each day to push the needle in the direction you want, you will get there. You just need to be patient and consistent. 

I hope this inspired you today. Shout out to Treco, who gave me that little extra nudge to share this with you all. If you know someone that has taken a tumble, or you have tumbled yourself, and could use a few words of inspiration, pass this along to them, or read it again for yourself. And if you need a little extra support, reach out to me. I’d be more than happy to lend you a hand.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Preventative Maintenance for Yourself

We have all heard about having preventative maintenance performed on various machines in our lives. Our vehicles, major appliances in our house, computers or tools for work, or  you may even work in an industry where preventative maintenance is part of your duties and responsibilities for the machines and tools you use there. But, how often do you think about preventative maintenance for yourself?

Our bodies are highly complex machines. And though we feel like we can go day after day with little to no issues, the truth is, you can just as easily break down or not be at your best if you neglect the little things that actually keep you going. 

There are three main areas you should focus on when thinking about personal preventative maintenance that will serve you best. Your mind, your body, and your spirit. Let's start with your mind first.

Your mind is the main computer for your entire system. Without it, you would not be able to do the daily actions that keep you alive. Many functions of your mind work in conjunction with your body with little to no conscious involvement on your part. Breathing, your heart beating, etc. But, your mind needs to be exercised too, and with that, needs a break from time to time. So, how do you do that? Some of the things you can do are reduce screen time, read a book, play simple games that will focus on your cognitive abilities. You can also practice meditation or mindfulness. Anything that stimulates your brain and creates activity within it. You also want to eat good sources of nutrition. This also helps with your body.

Your body is the framework for your machine. In order to keep it functioning at its best, you need to take care of it too. As mentioned, good sources of nutrition are a key part to you functioning at your best. Food is fuel, and without it, you will feel sluggish. You have to be aware of what you are eating though. I am not one to promote excessive nutritional changes or restricting what you should or should not eat. But, I will tell you that knowing what fuels you, what helps you from the inside out, and what limits you, will have positive or negative long term effects. I recently learned that I possibly have gout in my knee. I was told to help prevent those flare ups, try altering my nutrition. Reduce alcohol consumption, avoid a lot of red meats, eat more veggies, and consider anti inflaming foods. So, that's what I did. For the past 4 months I have had no issues. A couple of small instances I started to feel early signs of a flare up, so I evaluated what I had eaten 3-5 days prior, and sure enough, it was an excessive amount of the foods that I shouldn’t have eaten as much of. But, what else can you do to be preventative with your body?

Exercising regularly. It doesn’t have to be extreme. 15-20 minutes a day is all you really need. You can do more than that if you prefer, but a little bit of movement and resistance training will go a long way. Stretching regularly. I will be the first to tell you that my flexibility and mobility are not what they used to be. And the more I neglected that, the harder it was on my body. Certain activities were harder than they should have been. I’d injure myself trying to exercise because I wasn't warmed up well enough, or not hydrated enough. Or I would push too hard, thinking I could make up for lost time. That never works. When that did happen, that is when I would feel depleted and start going down that rabbit hole of negativity and unproductive self-talk. That leads me to my final thoughts…your spirit. 

You can call it your spirit, your soul, your state of being. Whatever resonates with you. That is the glue that holds it all together. I don’t know about you, but I’ll  go through spurts where my own negative self talk gets in my own way. I’ll feel deflated, uninspired, overwhelmed, and on and on, to the point where I won’t want to do anything. If you're not careful, that’s exactly what happens, and then you’re really stuck. So, what can you do? Discover or rediscover what makes you happy. What brings joy into your world. What puts a smile on your face, warms your insides up and just “feel alive”! There are several things I like to do to feed my soul and put myself in a better place. Some of these include going on a walk by a creek or in the mountains. If I lived near the beach, I would definitely be doing that. Reading a good book for fun. I read way more personal development books than fiction. Maybe that's a hint for me. Journaling - getting your thoughts down on paper. Sometimes that helps give you focus and direction, freeing up space in your mind. And of course, exercising. Something about getting a good set in or running just makes you feel alive. There are plenty of other avenues you can consider as well. Some prefer meditation to calm the mind and spirit. Some find peace and replenishment when going to church. Some like to draw, paint, or create something. There are numerous possibilities. You just have to find what resonates with you and explore that.

I hope this gives you some ideas of what you can do to do a little preventative maintenance for yourself. As you can see, all three of these areas, in my opinion, fuel the others and work hand in hand with each other. Keep in mind, these are just my suggestions, but over the years, I have found these simple practices to be very helpful and rewarding. They might just be for you too.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Truly defining S.M.A.R.T. Goals!


I was listening to a podcast the other day and the host was really diving into some of the best practices to truly gain the most benefit from creating your S.M.A.R.T. goals. 

Now, if you have been in any kind of environment where establishing goals is a critical component of either completing your tasks for furthering your development, chances are you have heard of making S.M.A.R.T. goals. If you haven’t, let me break it down for you real quick. The S.M.A.R.T. Acronym for these goals stands for:

S = Specific

M= Measurable

A= Attainable or Achievable

R= Relevant

T= Time Bound

When you have a specific goal in mind that you are trying to accomplish, breaking down that goal into these five components allows you to design the tasks necessary to complete that goal. What I found interesting was how granular the host was encouraging his listeners to truly take advantage of the necessary steps in order to complete that goal. The more granular you got with each section, the higher the completion percentage rose within that section. 

So for example, let's say your goal was to lose some weight. Using a S.M.A.R.T. goal method, let's say that you decide you want to lose 50 lbs to be healthier (Specific), using a scale to track your weight loss (Measurable), you’ve weighed that before, you can do it again (Attainable) losing these pounds will reduce stress on your body and allow you to be healthier (Relevant) and you want to accomplish this in the next 3 months (Time Bound). Sounds like a good plan right? What if you dug a little deeper?

Starting with ”S”, why 50 lbs? Is that what your doctor recommended? Do you remember a time when you were 50 lbs lighter than you are now? Do you remember how much better you felt at that weight? Was there a certain outfit you liked to wear when you were at that weight? Did you have more mobility? Are you wanting to be a positive role model for someone in your life? Really dig into the specifics. Ask yourself why you want to lose 50 lbs. Then when you have that answer, ask yourself why to that answer, and then maybe ask yourself why again for that answer. 

With “M” How are you going to measure your progress? Are you going to weigh yourself every month, every week, or every day? Are you going to write it down each time? Will it be a specific time of day each time? Will you track the food you eat, how much water you drink, certain foods or drinks you reduce or eliminate, that help move the needle one way or another/ All of these are items you can track and measure.

How about attainable. Is 50 lbs attainable? You may have to tag team this with relevant and time bound. If you’re thinking of 50 lbs in the next 3 months, that's about 16 lbs a month, 4 lbs a week. The average healthy weight loss is 1-2 lbs a week. So is that attainable and relevant? Does it fit within the timeline you have proposed for yourself? Or do you need to adjust? Does your approach seem relevant to what you are wanting to accomplish?

And lastly time bound. Three months! Are you just going to pick a date and start, and then check your weight at the end of 3 months, or are you going to set mini timeline goals. Will you set milestones for each week of where you would like to be, how much data you will track, so you know if you’re pushing the needle in the right direction?

This is just an example, but as you can see, by asking “why” or “how can I” for each part of the S.M.A.R.T. goal, it creates an opportunity for you to dive deeper into why you want to achieve this goal and how you're going to achieve it. This approach provides you with an even more detailed action plan, allowing you a better chance of succeeding at your goal or at least getting you one step closer. I firmly believe that you can apply these tactics to just about any goal you have. You just have to be willing to set aside a few minutes to truly detail it out. 

Let me know what you think. I’m curious to hear if going the extra little bit helps you with whatever goal you are striving for.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

We All Fall Sometimes!


Wow, it has been a minute since I have been on here. Lots has changed over the years. The moments leading up to the Global Covid 19 pandemic, and then all the crazy moments during and after, did quite a number on a lot of people. Loved ones were lost, company’s shut down, jobs were suspended or eliminated, and more. I don’t think there was a single person not affected by this whole event. Myself included. When it really hit for me started in February 2020, and I have had a difficult time recovering. 

I was in a car accident on my way home from work on February 27, 2020. I was exhausted, the sun was in my eyes, and as I crossed the intersection of the highway, I did not see the jeep coming! I was t-boned on the passenger side of my car and sent into the ditch. Fortunately, the young teenage driver of the jeep  and myself were not seriously injured. We lived to see another day. But that was just the beginning. 

My 9-5 job started to become a toxic work environment. I was no longer happy there, was tired of the commute, and even though my department was a 24/7 operations unit, I was still told to work from home for the next 3 months, but my direct reports had to continue on. It didn’t feel right to me.  After returning back to the office, I made it maybe another 6-7 months before I threw in the towel and moved on. I had been there 12 years, 16 with the company. The next year wasn’t any easier as I took a job I was well overqualified for just to pay the bills and help keep the roof over our heads. Fortunately, that was short lived and I was finally able to find a job that I truly love, and have been there now for almost 2 years. But, the hard road ahead was not over yet. 

Last year, the universe decided to throw everything it could at me, just to see how much  more I could handle. Unfortunately, I finally broke, and hit the lowest part in my life I have ever been in. You can only take so many hits before you get completely knocked down. The hardest part sometimes though is getting back up. That’s where I am at right now. Slowly getting back up. Yeah, I have some bruises, I have some scars, and in time, they will heal. But, it will not happen overnight, and I have to put in the work. 

During that entire time, exercise was pretty much non-existent for me. Good nutrition wasn’t a part of the plan either. Slowly, everything I used to do to better myself kept being put on the back burner. My physical health was degrading, my mental health was degrading, and I was becoming the very thing I never wanted to be. I was shaving years off my life, and I didn’t care. However, like they say, once you hit rock bottom, there's only one direction you can go. Up! So, that’s what I am doing. 

I’m sharing this with you because I want you to know, I understand what you are going through. I know how hard it can be. We all fall sometimes. It’s making the choice to get back up that is the hardest and most rewarding. Sure, your life will not be the same, there will be things that have changed, but only you can control how you feel about it, and what your next steps will be. Surround yourself with people that will lift you up and keep you going. Actively focus on the better things in your life, and work on improving the areas that need a little extra push. Express gratitude for all the great moment in your life. It may not feel like much at times, but I’m willing to bet you have more than enough to be thankful for. Finally, don’t do it alone. Find someone to talk with. A close friend or family member, a therapist, a preacher, whomever works for you. They may hold the key that could be just what you need to fully get back up.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Are you Limiting your Beliefs?

Are you being limited by your thoughts & beliefs? The other day one of my mentors brought up a very good point, so I thought I would pass it along.

We all have a tendency to get in our own heads, which makes us limit our potential. Currently I am doing a new program where 3 times during the workout out there are these challenges we have to do. They are basically a specific exercise, which we have to complete as many reps as we can within 60 seconds. They are designed to measure your progression through the program and help you to see how you improve each week. There is a chart we can pin up and write down our numbers for each one each day. Each week, those same mini challenges are present to see if we improved or not.

Each time, the trainer asks us to look at our numbers and do our best to exceed them. Well, a couple of times now when I have looked at my numbers, I looked at the wrong ones. I had looked at one and was like, how am I supposed to exceed 40 this time? When he said go, I went after it. At the end of 60 seconds I was at 36. I was like, what the hell! Then I realized , I was looking at the wrong numbers. For this particular one, my last set was at 26. So in a weeks time, I exceeded my count by 10 reps!

You see, our minds likes to mess with us. We see something, get in our own heads, and end up limiting our potential and beliefs. Then, our body shows us that yes we can do more, if we just stop over thinking it.

This can be true with anything you do. You start thinking about how you might not be able to accomplish something, and then hopefully decide to start it anyway, and the next thing you know, it was easier than you thought. Has this happened to you? Is there something you are working on right now and limiting your own potential? Get out of your head and just get started. You will probably find it is not as challenging as you think.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Don't Quit on your Goals!

I heard this today and I was like what! I mean, I knew that people fell off their goals train, but didn't realize the number was so high.

The speaker went on to claim that the reason do many people fall off is because of their mindset. So many start off with the new year new me attitude, and then come February, pooof! Back to the old ways.

So, how do we beat this? Easy, treat February first like the first day of the new year. January done and over. Hit the reset and go again. If you had a plan coming out of December into January, then rewrite your plan for February. Rinse and repeat.

The things you have to focus on are having a new mindset, a new focus, and taking a new action. If you do these three things, then you will continue your momentum towards your goals month after month.

I know, this is still kinda vague, but hopefully you get the idea. I will be diving more into this each month. If your looking for support or guidance like this, this is just some of the things my team and I discuss. In fact, we're getting together tonight. Shoot me a message if you'd like to know more.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Transform: 20

Are you ready to transform not only your body, but your mind in as little as 6 weeks starting in 2019? Then keep reading. 

Shaun T, the creator of Insanity, is back again with a new program - Transform:20!

It’s a 6 week challenge, 20 minutes a day, and it is going to push you to the next level. Whether your fitness level is that of a beginner, intermediate, or extremely advanced, this program will push you toward your goals for the new year. 

Check out this video!

How Does Transform:20 work?
The program is 6 days a week, 20 minutes a day, for 6 weeks. Anyone can do this no matter how full their schedule is.

Every day will be a new workout, so you never repeat. Your body will continue to transform throughout the entire challenge because of the constant change. You will be less likely to get bored too. 

Access to a nutrition guide designed to fit the Transform:20 program. Simplified and no counting calories required, but still designed around the calories you will be burning in those 20 minutes. 

When you join our team, you get to do the program along with a community of others to keep you motivated and keep that momentum in high gear. But, still on your own time and at your own pace. 

How will OUR Team work?

My team and I are forming a group to complete this challenge. The program, along with the equipment and supplements will be released December 4th….and WILL SELL OUT!

If after reading this breakdown of it all you are ready to join, reach out to your coach and ask them if this is the best option FOR YOU!

If I am your coach, then reach out to me by email, phone, or social media. 

Our team has already created a Facebook community specific for those who get this program. We have already began to talk about how to get prepared, what you will need, and go a little deeper into how the system will work. Which is the most important part of the system. 

If you do this alone, it is way easier to to lose motivation. But in a large group all reaching for similar goals, that’s where the magic happens. 

Everyday you will be following a workout calendar, checking in with the team, getting questions answered, and daily motivation to keep you going when you don’t want to. 

We will also be sharing videos from Shaun T that are specific to those taking this initial Transform:20 challenge with us. 

What’s included in the program
  • Early access to the program
  • Prep workouts released December 11th
  • A transform :20 Step, designed for the program
  • Healthy whole-food supplement to help you reach your goals quicker
  • A full year of workout programs for you to move on to after you complete Transform:20
  • A full year of simplified nutrition plans for you to explore after Transform:20
  • Access to a cooking and recipe show with hundreds of amazing recipes
  • 6-weeks of accountability inside our FB community
  • Lifetime access to our support team after the 6 weeks
  • $20 off your pack if you order within the sale time frame
So What’s Next?

Connect with your coach. There are many options available to you depending on what package you choose. Plus, you get $20 off if you use the link your coach provides you. 

You must order from your coach that’s a part of our team in order to be eligible to our specific community, which is the most important part of all this. 

Be sure to use the link that your coach provides you to order on December 4th. Before it is sold out. The last major program that was launched sold out in 2 days. So don’t delay. 

If you have any questions, ask your coach.

Let’s start off 2019 right...Together!

Monday, February 26, 2018

New Years Resolution Dies!

Has your New Years Resolution died? I heard a podcast several weeks ago that mentioned that on average, most peoples' New Years Resolutions die on January 15th? I was like wow, seriously? But in all honesty, I could believe it.

As the New Year approaches, we are all ready to make a change for the better. Exercise more, eat better, make more money, spend less money, and on and on. For some, we write it all down, plan it out, and say this year is going to be different. Then what happens? The excitement wears off, life starts to "happen" again, and the next thing you know, POOF! Your resolution has died. 

But it was so strong on the first of the year. What happened? 

It's easy to lose sight of our goals. Especially when you expect the results to come right away. But you know it doesn't happen that way. It rarely does.

So here are a couple things you can do to set yourself up for success. First, write them down. But be specific. If you want to start losing weight, set a realistic time bound goal to start losing weight. Something like you want to lose 4 lbs this month. That's a pound a week. Too easy right. Add in that you will exercise for 20-30 minutes 5 times a week. 

If you want to start eating healthier, start reducing the amount of not so good for you foods that you eat. Now, notice I said reduce, no eliminate. You gotta start off slow. Then as you get better, reduce that a little more. For example, if you drink 3-4 sodas a day, cut back to 2-3. Then 1-2, then 1, Before you know it, you will not be drinking any sodas at all. 

Next, find someone to hold you accountable. Accountability is a big deal. If you commit to telling someone that you are going to do something, you are more likely to do what you say, than if you just "say it" to the cosmos. This can be a friend, colleague, pastor, or even an online group. There are thousands of them out there. If you can't trust a friend, then find someone you have a casual relationship with. 

Finally, focus on your own personal development. There are plenty of resources out there to help keep you on track. But you have to start with your mindset. When your mindset is in the right place, everything else becomes easier. 

Let me know, did your New Years Resolution die? And if so, will you do what it takes to resurrect it? If you need support, contact me. I'm here to help. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Online Fitness. Is it for me?

More and more you are seeing posts about online fitness. Chances are, you have asked yourself, what the heck is online fitness and should I even consider it? I'm here to tell you, if you are not looking into it, you could get left behind.

As we become a digital market more and more, craving that instant access to just about everything, we need to accept, or least embrace the rapid changes ahead and adapt. Think about all the different applications that you can now easily have access too at the click of a button.

Remember when Netflix first came out? You could subscribe to a monthly membership and have DVD's sent to your house. Keep them for as long as you want, and return when you were ready for something new. Now, click on a button on your phone, tablet, or laptop and viola. You have a movie. Then, others followed suit. Hulu, Amazon, YouTube, etc. Blockbuster tried, but they were too late in the game. Now where are they? GONE!

So how does this relate to fitness? Slowly the days of going to the gym are diminishing. Granted it will take some time, but think about it. You are starting to see more and more online fitness programs being released. Whether it be by independent personal trainers, up and coming fitness athletes, or major at home and online fitness gurus like LesMills or Beachbody. And, they are gaining momentum. But, is it for you?

I know personally, I have never been much of a gym person. Maybe it's the introvert on me. But I would rather workout at home. Plus. I am a busy individual. The thought of having to drive to the gym, sign in, workout, then drive home seems to be inefficient in my mind. By the time I did all that, I have lost probably an hour and a half, for a 45 minute workout. By working out at home streaming a fitness program online, I have saved 45 minutes. That's 45 minutes I could devote to another task.

Or, how about when traveling. Spending that extra time to find a gym when you are away from home, paying a 1 time fee to get in, unless you are a member of a large chain, can be equally taxing. Having the option to stream a workout on my phone or tablet, from my hotel room, the hotel gym, or the in-laws house is way more convenient and easier. Plus, I am still getting guidance from the leader in the video, who has spent the time to research and structure the workout to yield the best results. 

Now, I am not saying that online fitness is for everyone. There are plenty of people out there that have a good gym routine and are doing it. Perhaps they have a personal trainer to show them what to do or not do, what to eat and how often. But you can get that online now too. So the question is, how long will it last? Will it be like Blockbuster and fade away as the online industry ramps up? Will the community that prefers that physical social interaction keep the gyms alive? I don't know. And, is online fitness a right move for you?

I can tell you this. If you are a busy parent, or someone who works 12 hour shifts, likes variety in your workouts, has limited time throughout the day, and just wants to crank out a workout as quickly and efficiently as possible, yet still get the same results from a gym with a personal trainer, then the online fitness route may be the one for you. 

If you would like to know more or even try out online fitness for 14 days, contact me, and we'll see if it is a good fit for you. Each month I host an introductory course as well as a full on program for those that want results, have limited time, and are embracing the digital evolution. Reply to this post or Click Here to get started. 

Monday, July 31, 2017

Did you hit a plateau? What do you do now?

Have you hit a plateau? I mean, have you stopped losing weight, gaining muscle, or just stopped seeing the results you want? If so, then check this out. I have a few reasons why this may be happening and what you can do to try and break the plain.

First, let's talk about sleep. Are you getting enough? Sleep plays an important role with your fitness needs. The body needs this time to recover. Each time you exercise, be it lift weights, hit the cardio pretty hard, or go for a long run, you are taxing the muscles and putting stress on them. If you don't give them a chance to recover, they will not perform they way you want. This could compound into other issues that will hinder your results. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.

The second reason you may not be seeing the results is you are eating too much or too little. Nutrition is the hardest part to master when it comes to your health and fitness. To much food, and your body can't use it all for fuel, so it is stored for a rainy day. Too little, and you don't have the energy to get through a good workout, or it thinks you are starving it, in which case it will store what it can for when you do need it later. You have to find that balance. As you progress through your workouts and become more fit, full of more energy, and so forth, you may discover that you need to eat a little more to sustain yourself. 

Third, you may be over or under exercising. If you over exercise, you are not allowing your body to go through it's natural cycles of breakdown and rebuild. Constant breakdown doesn't allow it to rebuild, and could be the reason why you are not gaining any more muscle. If that is your goal of course. If you are exercising to little, you are not using up the food you have taken in for fuel, so it stays with you a little longer. So if you are hitting it hard, make sure you're giving yourself time to recover. If you are not doing enough to really get the blood flowing, increase the workout just a little bit. 

Finally ... Support. Working out and staying fit is hard sometimes. Especially if you are doing it on your own. It's nice to have someone in your corner to push you just a little bit, help you make better choices with your food, or just to encourage you not to quit. You'd be surprised what a simple comment like, just one more rep or , should you really eat that, can do. If you don't have a cheerleader, find one. Family, friends, whomever. 

I hope you find these simple tips helpful. These are just a few I have encountered over the years and learned that if I acknowledge these and work to overcome them, my results start coming again. Good luck!