Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Get Your Kids Engaged!

My kids have always been engaged in something. When my girls were 5 &3, they were both in gymnastics. 3-4 days a week they were in the gym becoming stronger and staying active. When my son came along, and he was old enough, he wanted to try soccer, so we signed him up and he loved it. As they all have gotten older, there interests have slightly changed, but they are still super active. My oldest moved away from gymnastics after about 8 years and has taken up track and cross country. My middle child still loves gymnastics and has moved up the to optionals level. She will begin competition season next month. As for my son, he still loves soccer, has attended a couple of soccer camps over the summers, and keeps going to better himself. All of my kids are also now a part of the local running club and racing team, and as a family we run 1 miles races, 2 mile races, and 5k's. Yes, even my son at age 6 has done a couple of 5k's. The thing is, keep your kids engaged. 

Our kids will mimic everything we do as parents. Over the years ours children have watched my wife and I run countless miles, run on the treadmill, or put in a DVD and crank out a good cardio set or cross-fit set. Because of this observed behavior, they want to do the same. In the pictures above, my son is practicing pull ups using resistance bands. He tries to do some on my pull up bar and gets 1 done. Not bad. He doesn't quite have the strength yet, but he will get there with practice. I did not ask him or tell him to do this. He chose to do it on his own. My only involvement was showing him proper form. The other is of my kids from running the Phantom 5k right before Halloween. My girls took 1st and 2nd place. My boy ran the little gobbler race and held his own against the larger kids. We will be running the Turkey Trot this Thursday! :)

It is never to early to have your kids get engaged with physical activity, and show them the value of eating right, consistent exercise and creating a solid foundation that will benefit them long into their future. Recent studies show that 1 out of 3 kids in America are overweight or obese. That is scary. How did we let this happen? It's because to many kids spend more time in front of a computer or TV than outside running around, playing, and being active. I remember when I was a kid spending hours outside riding my bike, or playing G.I.Joe, building forts in the trees, hiking, and more. Video game systems were just starting to become popular, but they were so expensive, not everyone had them. There were no smart phones to play Candy Crush on or Battle of the Clans. At best you had a stick for a sword and a piece of cardboard for a shield. If there was crushed candy, it was because you stepped on it. 

I'm sure you all have heard of or seen some form of promoting activity like Play 60, or 5210. Embrace it, promote it, and share it with your kids. 5210 is one the school district promotes out here quite a bit, and I am sure in other areas. If you are unfamiliar with that one, here is the breakdown;

5 - servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day
2 - 2 hours or less of screen time (tv, computers, tablets, cell phones, etc)
1 - 1 hour of good activity play or exercise
0- no sugary drinks

Here's the caveat though. Don't just tell them, show them. As I mentioned earlier, your kids are going to mimic everything you do. If it is not important to you, and you do not demonstrate how important it is, then you cannot expect them to feel it is important.  Set the foundation with your kids. Help them to understand the benefits of eating right, exercising, and how it will benefit them in their future. Make it fun and get your kids engaged! They will thank you when they are older. 

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