Thursday, April 2, 2015

I Don't Have Time!

You would be surprised on how often I here this from people that say they want to be healthier and live a better lifestyle. Let me be the first to tell you, you have more than enough time. It all depends on how important it is to you and where your priorities lie. I used to be one to say this. Not a lot, but every so often. The truth is, I know I have the time, I am just looking for an excuse, a reason, not to take charge of what I want. 

Sometimes, it helps to break down what you do, to see how much time you really have. For example, there are 168 hours in a week. Lets say you average 8 hours of sleep each night. I know, wishful thinking for some of us. That leaves you with 112 hours. Now, lets say you use 32 hours a week for meals and snacks (1 hours per meal, and snack time). Now you are down to  80 hours for the week. Now, how about down time or recreation time to watch TV, play with the kids, spend quality time with your spouse. Figure on 2 hours a day for that. Now you are down to 66 hours left in the week. Perhaps you go to church regular or watch a good sports game. Figure another 4 hours for that. You still have 62 hours left for the week. Oh Wait, you gotta work right. So there is another 40 hours, maybe 50 with commuting time. Now you are down to 12 hours left in the week. So, after you have worked, slept, ate, watched TV, spent time with the kids and your spouse, and gone to church, you still have 12 hours (1.7 hours a day) left over. So, can you honestly say that you don't have time to get a 30 minute workout in. You could get your workout in and still have a little over an hour each day to do something else. 

So see, really there is no reason for anyone to say they don't have the time. It all depends on how serious you want to be and how important it truly is to you. 

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