Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Is Your Mind In Line With Your Body?

When I started my fitness journey two years ago, my only focus was on my fitness. I wanted to lose weight, have more energy to keep up with my kids, and regain the strength I had from my mid 20's. I did not take the time to look into what else I needed to do. I focused on what I knew, and was hesitant to learn something new. Boy was that a mistake.

After 2 months and my first bout with Insanity, I lost 5 lbs, but had plateaued. I couldn't understand why. So I started asking people questions and reading books. I realized that what I was doing was just the tip of the iceberg. So I started to do more research, and figure out what I needed to do to tip the scale. The next thing I knew, the scale was moving again, my energy levels were increasing, and I was fulfilling my goals. What was this change that had me seeing results again? Personal development.

Back in the early years, it wasn't called personal development. At least, not that I can recall.  It was refereed to has self help. I used to think to myself, why would I want to teach myself? That's what instructors, professors, and teachers are for. But as I became older, I realized that this was a much needed asset. That if you wanted to excel in anything, the best thing to do was start researching more about it.

When I started digging into nutrition more, finding the do's and don'ts, what foods worked best for me, how food changed the outcome of just about everything I would do, I was amazed. What was more surprising is learning how much better my body performed when my nutrition was dialed in.

So, why did I bring this up? To remind you that not only should you exercise and feed your body right, but to exercise your mind as well. We are constantly learning, and if we ever consider not learning, then we are doing ourselves a disservice. Think about it, how many of you Generation X'ers have smart phones and are texting friends and family? How many of you said you would never do that, and yet here you are sending 100's of texts a month? You learned how to do it, and some of you may have even mastered it.  Imagine if you had not learned and progressed? You might still be using that cordless handset with the 3 foot antenna for a phone.

The beauty of personal development is, you are not limited to any specific field and there are countless authors out there that have mastered their fields and share their knowledge. So the next time you come across a subject that you want to know more about, dive on into it. Grab a book, download an audio book, sit down with a subject matter expert, or enroll in a class. Learn what you can when you can and keep you mind in line with your body!

Here are some of the books I have read or listened to that have helped me in numerous ways.

  • Awaken the Giant Within ~ Anthony Robbins
  • The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth ~ John C Maxwell
  • Unlimited Power ~ Anthony Robbins
  • The Compound Effect ~ Darren Hardy
  • Book Yourself Solid ~ Michael Port
  • How to Win Friends and Influence People ~ Dale Carnegie
  • Go Pro ~ Eric Worre
  • Failing Forward ~ John C Maxwell

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