Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Secret to Success...Do it Anyway!

One of my mentors shared his thoughts on the secrets to success and it resonated with me so much, that I wanted to share those thoughts with you. What is the secret to success? Do it anyway! What does that mean exactly?

When we set out to take on a challenge, were excited about it. Whether it be to lose a few pounds, exceed on a project at work, start seeing promise with your business, or flourish in a new relationship that you are in. You continue to do whatever it is that is making that work and granting you "success." However, have you ever noticed that after a while, that excitement starts to dissipate. The willingness to perform the tasks or energy to work the magic starts to become smaller and smaller. That is because many people, myself included, think that the motivation to succeed needs to happen at the beginning of the venture and  will carry us through to the end. Well, that is not always the case and if you believe that, you might be setting yourself up for failure. Whats worse, if this pattern continues, you will be disappointed and the chances of you wanting to quit will increase.

So what is the golden ticket to not falling into this conundrum? When you are too tired to exercise, don't want to pick up the phone to make that much needed phone call, sick of hearing no all the time, or just not seeing any forward progress any more, DO IT ANYWAY!

So many times we quit right before we hit that breakthrough that takes us to the next level. We wallow in self pity on how we didn't hit that milestone or didn't see the results quick enough.

The drive, motivation, and determination to push on happens after action, not before. Think about it. Once you have finished your workout, talked to more people that are interested in a product or service you provide, or had that wonderful moment with the person you just started a relationship with, you are motivated beyond belief to keep that greatness going. But, don't let it stop there. When the next day starts, and you have to get up early to get that workout in, (or maybe stay up late) jump on the phone to keep that excitement flowing with the new client, or setup the next encounter with that new found friend or love interest, don't lay there in bed, hitting the snooze button over and over, thinking about how you can get it done. TAKE ACTION!!! Turn off the alarm, get out of bed, pick up the phone, and Do It Anyway! You'll be glad you did.

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