Sunday, May 17, 2015

What Really is the Root Cause?

Everyone is so driven at looking at the symptoms they have that are contributing to bad health. Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. Stop it!

We all need to start focusing on what the real problem is, obesity. We also need to direct our attention towards ways to overcome it.

How many of you are reading this and know someone that has suffered through an illness like the ones mentioned above because they were overweight or unhealthy? I'm sure almost everyone of you. Did you know that 2 out of 3 adults in America are considered overweight or obese and 1 out of 3 children are as well! ONE out of THREE CHILDREN! Seriously!

We realize that this is a serious problem, and it is not getting any better. If you think our parents had it bad, guess what? We have it far worse. With the invention of artificial coloring, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and other various ingredients that you can't even pronounce, we have it far worse.

But, there is hope. There is something YOU can do about it right now. As one of my friends put it, this is the concept of prevention vs. prescription. The doctor is not going to be able to solve all your ailments with a pill, and is only taking care of the symptoms, not the root cause.

You were designed for greatness and are better than that. It doesn't matter how out of shape you are, you can still make the change Right Now!

If you have already started to make the change, then you know what to do, but if not, let me break it down for you.

(1) Exercise 6 days a week. Do something that’s out of your comfort zone and gets your heart rate up. 

(2) Put whole, natural foods in your mouth. Get all the canned, frozen, over processed pre-made foods out of your house.

(3) Supplement your body when you can’t hit your goals.

(4) Get enough sleep, 7-8 hours minimum a day.

That's it! Too easy right? Four simple steps can make such a huge difference. Do you want some help? This is what I do! But, you have to make the first move. So come on! Lets do this. I'm here to help you!

Remember, we are all Guardians!

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