Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Master's Hammer & Chisel - 60 Day Review

Sorry it took me so long to get this posted. I have been a busy guy. I finished The Master's Hammer and Chisel, and let me tell you, I am not disappointed. This is one of my more favorite programs now. With the combination of the 2 celebrity trainers, after 60 days I still was not bored with the program. There was still enough variety to keep me engaged, and it took a while before I felt like I had repeated a workout.

Like some, by the second week your like "Ah man, this workout again!" But for this one, it was maybe 3 weeks before I truly realized that I might have been repeating a workout. That kept it fresh, and much easier to get through 60 days.

When I started, I weighed 180 lbs. On day 60, I weighed 175.  I only lost about 2 lbs in that final 30 days, but my nutrition got off track a little bit. Had that not happened, I probably would have gained even more definition and lost a couple more pounds. 

I lost about 2% body fat, and gained about 2-3 inches in muscle mass. Not bad for a total body workout every day. I was not expecting to have any gains really. So that was a nice surprise. 

Overall, I would definitely recommend this program to others. The routines are relatively short, so there is no excuse to not be able to fit them in. If you are more of a BEAST, you can easily squeeze this in and another cardio round if you prefer, and with the nutrition guide that comes with it, if you stick to it, you will see results. These programs work, as you can see from my photos above. 

I hope me sharing my results of this program with you helps. If you would like to try this program out for yourself, and have me support you along the way, Click Here to get yours today.

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