Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Don't do it Alone

When I started my fitness and health journey 4 years ago, I started off all on my own. I had borrowed a home workout program from a buddy of mine, said, I'm going to do this, and went for it. And guess what, after about 8 weeks, I quit. Partly because it was hard, but a lot of it....because I had no support. It's not because there was a lack of people wanting to, I just felt I didn't need it.

You see, I thought I could do it on my own. The big macho former Army guy in me said, I GOT THIS!  And I am sure there are many of you out there that feel the same way. But the truth of the matter is, we are social beings. We need support, we need accountability, and we like to share the experience with others...good or bad.

So, after I sucked it up and went for round two, I started to see results. But it was still hard, not very fun, and was easy for me to skip a day here and there. Then I found my coach. He inspired me, checked in on me, and was a valuable resource.  I learned some of the mistakes I was making with my nutrition, found out that some of my beliefs about fitness were myths, and had someone to share the experience with. You know what happened? My results started to become larger and more frequent. So I let more people into my circle, shared what I was doing, and little by little, more results, more accountability,more fun, more everything. I even started to share what I was learning with others, and helping them do the same.

I discovered how important it was to have support. For someone to be there to hold you accountable and...make it fun.  Think about it, when you go to the gym, or for a run, or even workout with one friend at home, how much more enjoyable is it? Do you find yourself inadvertently competing against them, trying to do just one more squat, one more push up, or hold that plank for 1 more second? I bet you do. It's part of our nature. But more importantly, it helps you push that much harder towards your goal.

Do yourself a favor. Find someone. A friend, your spouse or partner, your child, or a coach like me, and let them support you and hold you accountable. I promise you, you will have better results and enjoy the journey even more. 

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