Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Don't Quit on your Goals!

I heard this today and I was like what! I mean, I knew that people fell off their goals train, but didn't realize the number was so high.

The speaker went on to claim that the reason do many people fall off is because of their mindset. So many start off with the new year new me attitude, and then come February, pooof! Back to the old ways.

So, how do we beat this? Easy, treat February first like the first day of the new year. January done and over. Hit the reset and go again. If you had a plan coming out of December into January, then rewrite your plan for February. Rinse and repeat.

The things you have to focus on are having a new mindset, a new focus, and taking a new action. If you do these three things, then you will continue your momentum towards your goals month after month.

I know, this is still kinda vague, but hopefully you get the idea. I will be diving more into this each month. If your looking for support or guidance like this, this is just some of the things my team and I discuss. In fact, we're getting together tonight. Shoot me a message if you'd like to know more.

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