Friday, June 21, 2024

We All Fall Sometimes - Part 2!


For those of you who have been following me for a while now, you know that I have had my fair share of setbacks over the years. I’d eat well and exercise for a few weeks, maybe even a couple of months, then I would fall off. Then I would come back, push myself too hard, get injured, and then be on hiatus again for 4-6 weeks. Rinse and repeat.

Several months ago I spoke about how we all fall sometimes and shared some of the roadblocks I encountered and how I pretty much hit rock bottom. Well today I wanted to share some of my story of how I have started to rise back up. 

Truth be told, even I was starting to get fed up with that yo-yo lifestyle and knew I had to be better. Not only for myself, but for that one person that is just looking for an ounce of inspiration to start moving towards their goals. So I took a different approach. I actually followed my own advice I had shared with so many years before. I took it slow and focused on what I could do, not what I thought I was expected to do. 

Six months ago I started walking just to get the blood flowing and the muscles moving. I started using our gym at work and started off easy with weight lifting. I started eating just a little cleaner, not buying as much junk food and so on. As the weeks went by, I would push just a little harder. Started jogging again once a week, only a mile or so. After a month or so I increased to twice a week, and increased the distance. I was making progress and not injuring myself.

Today, I am back to running 3 times a week at 3 miles each, I hit the gym at least 4 days a week, and am on my third lifting program, pushing and pulling more weight than I have in a long time. I was between 210 - 215 lbs back in December. Today, I’m at 194! And, I feel so much better.

Here’s the thing, it’s ok to stumble and fall when you are chasing your goals. But, it’s what you do after that stumble and fall that truly matters. Are you going to stay down, feel defeated and give up, or are you going to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep going? I know it is not easy. I have fallen down more times than I can count. Sometimes it was much harder to pick myself up than other times, and many times I needed a hand up from somebody. But I got back up. And I am so thankful I did each time. I bet you would be too.

This doesn’t just apply to your health and well being. This can relate to your career, your family, whatever is important to you. I have fallen in those areas too, and those are slowly on the rise as well. It just takes a little bit of time, a little bit of focus, and a little bit of action. If you work on just a little bit each day to push the needle in the direction you want, you will get there. You just need to be patient and consistent. 

I hope this inspired you today. Shout out to Treco, who gave me that little extra nudge to share this with you all. If you know someone that has taken a tumble, or you have tumbled yourself, and could use a few words of inspiration, pass this along to them, or read it again for yourself. And if you need a little extra support, reach out to me. I’d be more than happy to lend you a hand.

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