Monday, February 17, 2025

The best made plans don’t always work


Have you ever had one of the moments where you spent minutes, even hours preparing for something, and then come to find out that all the prep work you did only somewhat applies? That was me today.

I spent all weekend preparing for a virtual interview, preparing for the most commonly asked behavioral interview questions, and when the time came, none of the questions I prepared for were asked. And it’s not like I only captured a few questions. I went for the top 25. Lol

Now, I was able to pivot and use some of the answers I had for other questions for the ones asked, so adaptability was good, but man could that have easily thrown me off. Come to think of it, me from 10-15 years ago probably would not have handled it as well.

But here’s the thing. Not everything is going to go as planned. Especially when it is situations that are out of your control. All you can do is adjust and hope for the best. Now, part of me believes that experience helps with this. Some might be able to muscle their way through if they are cognitive enough, but some may struggle. The key in my opinion is be prepared as best as you can. Then, just let it go. 

I’m a firm believer that all things happen for a reason, and recently I have been taking strides to look at the best case scenario in all events. I am by no means great at it. I still revert back to a mindset of scarcity from time to time. But, acknowledging that and trying to be better the next time that thought happens is all I can do.

I’m curious, what curve ball was thrown at you after much time was spent to prepare, only to have to redirect your thought process?

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