The other day I was reminded of the cost of doing something versus the cost of not doing something. Let me explain.
Oftentimes there is something that we may want to do or buy, and we start with the questions. Can I afford it? Is it worth the cost or investment? Is it something I really want or need? We’ll ask the really hard questions like that, but we won't ask the question of what will it cost me if I don’t do that, or buy that. Which outweighs which?
It can be hard to tell sometimes, but I think if you actually take the time to look at it from all angles, you can make a better decision. There have been many things over the years where I was not sure if I should purchase it or not. Looking back on a lot of them, I was glad I did. There were great lessons in many of those opportunities. There have also been a couple where I was like, yeah, I probably didn’t need that. But I still learned something from that experience. Was the price I paid worth it? Did I get it for a bargain, or pay too much? Did I learn something that will enhance my life? Only you will know the answer, but if you don’t take the time to dive into it, you’ll never truly know.
What’s something you purchased that in the moment you maybe weren’t too sure, but later realized you were glad you did? I would love to hear about it.
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