Friday, February 21, 2025


Yesterday I talked about reframing issues that you can’t seem to navigate through, into opportunities for action and growth. Today I have another small pearl of wisdom for you that is along the same lines. 

How do you take a problem that you are dealing with, and come up with a solution? Well, it’s not as difficult as you think. One way to do this, is to take that problem, and turn it into a question. For instance, let's say you are struggling to find that next big opportunity. Maybe it is a promotion or project at work, a new car, or a fitness goal. Rather than saying, I am not finding the right projects at work that bring me joy, ask, what are all the projects I could work on or create that would reignite that spark and bring me joy? Or I just can’t seem to find the car I want. Instead, ask yourself, what are the types of cars I would like? 

You may think it is kind of silly, but when you ask these questions to yourself, it opens the doors for more opportunities to present themselves. Your brain naturally starts looking for opportunities or solutions, as opposed to being just stuck and staying where you are at. Does that make sense?

If you are stuck with something right now, rather than accepting that fate, turn it into a question and see what other opportunities come out for you. I bet you will be pleasantly surprised.

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