Have you ever heard that in order to achieve external momentum, you have to create internal momentum? You’re probably like, what the hell is he talking about.
The other day in my master class, we were talking about momentum. How do you get it, how do you keep it going, etc. What we captured was in order to maintain and keep it going, you need to build it up first. But how do you do that? Well, it depends on what you are trying to achieve.
It’s kind of like pushing a car. From a stop, it is really difficult, right! You gotta put in a lot of force, really dig in, and slowly it will start to move. The more you lean into it, put more muscle behind it, the more it will start to move. Eventually, it will start gaining speed and the next thing you know, you have momentum. At this point, little effort is needed to keep it going.
Well, let’s say you are trying to reconnect with a family member that you have not spoken with in a long time. At first, it may take several short conversations to get things going. Then a few more, and a few more. Eventually, the conversations will become easier, and longer, and hopefully, if all is going well, in time you have re-kindled that relationship. But, you had to start that momentum within you right? So what can you do in this situation?
Start with talking with someone you already have a good relationship with. Then, start talking with someone that your relationship is a little more sporadic. Then another, and another, then talk with that long lost relative. You see, you started by gettingyourself in the right state of mind to start having conversations, then another, and another until you built up that internal momentum. Now that you have done that, you can more easily have those other conversations with those you haven’t spoken to in a while!
Does that make sense? How could you apply this principle into another area of your life?
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