Friday, March 7, 2025

You Manifest what you focus on


How many of you have heard or seen that exercise where your told to look for something, say a book, car something tangible, and then you're told to look for something red, and then all you see are all the things within view that are red? I’m willing to bet that you have gone through this once in your life. Did you ever start to think about what you focus on becomes reality?

One of the lessons I share with many of my clients is that what you focus on, you will manifest. Personally, I have found this to be very true. For positive and negative events in our lives. What is truly challenging is many of us have a tendency to focus on the negative things going on in our lives versus the positive ones. Then what happens? More negative stuff happens. A couple years ago, this was very true for me, It felt like every month, something bad would happen. I would stew over it for hours, then another negative event would happen, and another, and another. It got to the point where I would start to ask myself, what is going to knock me down next. Guess what, the cycle continued. I think I went through pretty much every hardship imaginable and of course hit rock bottom. 

But then I started to try and find the good things going on in my life. At first it started off simple. I had a roof over my head, a bed to sleep on and food in my belly. Then I expanded. I had a job, I had a car, I was still mobile enough to walk and exercise. I had friends and family that cared about me. And guess what. Things started to get better. 

The mind is a powerful thing. If you focus on what is going good for you, then your mind will try to find more of those things. This will provide more opportunity, more growth, and hopefully, more peace of mind. 

So, I challenge you. If time seems tough right now, reflect on what is going well for you at the moment. Then find more of that. Will greatness happen overnight? I can’t promise that. It takes time and it is different for everyone. But, if you start to focus on positive opportunities, you will have more positive opportunities. 

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